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I don't know about you. To me it is kinda crazy that someone's dad has to create an Instagram account to catch the attention of his son. How crazy is that! And believe me, that is not even crazy, you wanna know what is crazy? Tagging you son and using hashtags. The father to Tanzania's Bongo star Diamond Platnumz. I was first perplexed by the idea of someone's parent opening an Instagram or any social media account using their sons name. Unless you are somehow successful. Enough buildup.

The picture above is Diamond Platnumz's dad. He has been ailing for a while now.
Let me give you the juice.
This is not even juice, it facts. So lemme give you the facts.
Diamond Platnumz grew up in Western parts of Tandale with his mother at his grandmother's house where they were forced to rent out remaining two rooms to make ends meet. 
Where was Diamond Platnumz's dad all this time?
Nowhere to be seen. Diamond Platnumz grew up as a single child with a single mum. The parents had separated. So it was him and his mum all his life. 
After selling mitumba, working in a filling station and hustling as a photographer, he was able to raise money for studio. This was back in 2007. His dream came to be and now he a multi-millionaire musician and considered the king of Bongo. 
After success, his dad emerged like they always do. Even though Diamond said he is cool with him sometimes back last year, I doubt this is the case.
Now his dad is risking amputation of both legs and has to be flown abroad for medical attention. Diamond Platnumz has shown little to no concern for his dad over the years and it doesn't look like he will start now. I think this is why his dad opened a social media account where he is tagging him and using hashtags. Unless this is a fake account. Imagine being so successful that someone who neglected you uses hashtags to reach out to you. 
On his first post he wrote, 

What confused me is that his daughter flew to Tanzania and is the one taking care care of the situation but as far as I know Diamond Platnumz is a single child. I am not a judge but maybe Diamond should forgive him or maybe reach out and help. I don't know. Though, maybe the man is paying his karma. Like I said, I don't know. Tell me, IF SOMEONE ABANDONED YOU WHEN YOU WERE ONLY A CHILD AND YOU HAD TO EAT DUST TO SURVIVE ALL YOUR LIFE AND WHEN YOU FINALLY BECOME SUCCESSFUL THEY SHOW UP FROM THE BLUES, WHAT WOULD YOU DO. PUT YOURSELF IN BOTH PERSONS SHOES AND SEE THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE SITUATION FROM THEIR ANGLE. 

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