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It puzzled me why some people overeat when stressed while others do the exact opposite. Have you ever looked at the food on your plate and you had attitude towards it? No desire to eat. I hope you understand what I mean. If you have, voila! You are not sick, you are stressed or anxious. Though stress has been proven to cause disease so, sorry, you are sick. I meant that in the most loving way I could.

Our team did a case study of how anxiety is related with the loss of appetite and we are excited to help you deal with issue.  

1: Make sure you’re getting enough sleep

It is very essential that you get enough rest sleep. When we are asleep, our body chemistry kind of balances itself so the body will start producing the hormones responsible for appetite. If you feel stressed consider sleeping like a baby! You know what I mean? Try it and see the magic it works.

2: Identify what causes your stress.

Yes, you need to find out what is stressing you. That is the best medicine for stress. After you figure out what is going on, you can talk to a therapist or someone you can trust for guidance. You can also try to meditate or read articles that expound on your issue. Remember, using drugs to relieve stress will never work. After the drugs the stress will still be there. If you need help, get in touch with us via the CONTACT US page and one of our team member who is a Psychologist will help you out.

This were the two most efficient ways of getting your appetite back if you suffer from anxiety. We highly recommend you talk it out. That can also cure your lack of appetite.
Other ways are:
-Making mealtime an enjoyable social activity.
-Tricking your brain with different plate sizes.
-Schedule meal time.
-Don’t skip breakfast.
-Drink your calories.
-Eat less fiber.
-Eat more of your favorite food.

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