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Every time Willy Paul releases a song, some people are always commenting trash when he uploads the music on YouTube. You might start reading the comments and even forget to watch the video itself.
To be honest, I think people are hating on Willy Paul for no good reason. This guy hustled his way to the top. Plus, the music he does is not bad. People attack him because he stopped singing purely Gospel songs. By that I mean, songs that mention God almost in every two lines. Coz that is how some Kenyans interpret gospel songs. You might sing rubbish but just mention God and Jesus often and no matter what you said, it is gospel to them.
Willy Paul after singing church songs decided to venture out and spread the gospel in his own way. A collabo with Harmonize from Tanzania drove people crazy.
From there things were never the same again. Willy Paul continues to release music that most of the people that listen to him complain being controversial. Come on! The guy is saved, that doesn't mean he has to go to the desert and fast 40 days to please God. I believe people should be judged from their hearts. If he does whatever music he does with a pure heart the no one has a right to judge.
I think his music is meant for the new generation Christians. Who said you can't have responsible fum in the temple of the Lord. Which I believe is you. Plus, have you guys read Songs of Solomon. That Book needs a PG RATED.

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