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I have not been a fan of Otile Brown but I have watched him over the years. My ex girlfriend used to love his songs. I got interested and I also started listening to him. Then he did a song with Kaka Sungura who I used to adore back in the days. That was the moment I knew this guy was not just any typical Kenyan artist. 
If you follow him then you must have seen the transition he has had within the past three years. Otile Brown has consistently released hit after hit.
I have no idea how he does it.Maybe it's how he markets the music or maybe the production or maybe, we can just admit he is Kenya's Greatest Of All Time.
Currently I am a huge fan of his music. I like booming my speakers to his tunes. Otile Brown is a force to reckon with. With tours and events almost every week, I wonder why I imagined I would get an interview with him. He must be a busy man.
Recently, together with Vera Sidika, a Kenyan Socialite business woman, tried a showbiz drill that was kinda not properly scripted. But they tried. It was an impressive drama.
Reason why I believe Otile is a GOAT is because this young Kenyan bongo artist is self made. From grass to Grace. I don't understand what that means. But I am sure you get the point.

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