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You remember when Willy Paul was only a teenager singing sad songs crying all the time? Well, those days are over. Now Willy Paul considers himself a top Kenyan gospel artist but his music are very controversial. No one understands whether this confused young man is doing secular or gospel. However Pozze, as he likes to call himself, has been steadfast and strong on his ground. He insists his music is gospel. A new generation gospel groove. 
This artist has done songs that no one believes are gospel and most of his fans are also confused. Kenyans are always advising him to do secular on a serious level but it seems like Willy Paul is afraid of the secular music industry. Things are tough there. 
A gospel artist told us that gospel has more 'money' than secular songs since you are more likely to get invited to perform in a church or function than for you to get a gig on a secular based event. 
Right now it looks like Pozze is doing secular disguising as gospel. Just for the show.

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