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Octoppizo has released a new trap song. The song has some hard aggressive trap beats with a catchy chorus  and very strong punchlines on the verses. Babylon is part of Octopizzo’s 5th studio album and is produced by Jon Rook and Boone at Desert Park.
This is definitely a banger. 
In the lyrics he refers to a fat guy asking who is he and his fans have speculated that to be a diss towards Kenya's rapper Khaligraph Jones. These two have had a tough history. Could this be another indirect diss?
The song was released about 20 hours ago from now and it is almost past 50 thousand   views on YouTube. Not bad knowing that Fena Gitu and Dufla Diligon released a track on 18th of this month and they are struggling with less that 10 thousand views on YouTube.

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